Ozempic Body

Offered at our convenient location in San Antonio, TX

Ozempic Body Alluring Aesthetics Dr. Wendie Grunberg

“Ozempic body” is a term given to sagging skin after weight loss with GLP-1 medications like semaglutide and tirzepatide. Pockets of skin can chafe uncomfortably beneath clothing, cause rashes, and affect your body proportions. Post-Ozempic body contouring is a collection of treatments designed to sculpt your figure and help you realize the body you have worked so hard to achieve.

At Alluring Aesthetics, we can quickly and safely remove the excess skin so you can feel more comfortable in your new body. Dr. Wendie Grunberg is a DO with many years of expertise in body contouring procedures. She has helped thousands of patients achieve their body goals with customizable treatments. Weight loss is hard enough without having to live with droopy pockets of skin that chafe beneath your clothing.

Contact our office or call (210) 714-5390 to learn how we can transform your figure.

About Ozempic Body

Sagging skin can occur after any type of weight loss, but is especially common after receiving the “skinny shot”. Many weight loss patients experience a significant amount of sagging skin (1) because the skin is unable to bounce back on its own after being stretched by excess fat. Prolonged obesity can damage the collagen fibers in your skin due to the tension caused by the fat. (2) Droopy abdominal skin can make it difficult to maintain good hygiene and skin that pinches or chafes beneath your clothing can be uncomfortable throughout the day. At Alluring Aesthetics, we offer several customizable treatments to help you achieve a smoother look.

Tummy Tuck

The tummy tuck is the gold standard in abdominal contouring. It removes excess abdominal skin with a discrete incision along the underwear line, as well as tightening the abdominal musculature after separation from weight loss, aging, or pregnancy. Surgeons performed more than 170,000 tummy tucks in 2023 to help patients achieve a slimmer figure. (3) Removing it can rebalance your proportions, and Dr. Grunberg makes careful incisions to ensure a natural look. She can also combine the procedure with liposuction if you have leftover pockets of fat after weight loss to help you achieve a smoother abdomen.

Arm Lift

An arm lift is a procedure that removes droopy skin from the arms, colloquially known as “bat wings.” If you have pockets of skin that sway when you move or make it difficult to wear certain types of clothing, an arm lift can improve your appearance. Sagging skin on the arms is common after weight loss, but you can achieve a smoother appearance with an arm lift. Dr, Grunberg can make a thin, discrete incision along the inside of the lower arm to remove excess tissue and tighten your skin for a more youthful look. She can also combine the procedure with liposuction to strategically sculpt your arms and highlight your muscle definition. After the procedure, many patients find that their clothing options increase and they feel better in their bodies.

Thigh Lift

A thigh lift is a surgical procedure designed to improve the appearance of the thighs by removing excess skin. If you would like to improve your body proportions, this procedure can help you achieve a slimmer, more athletic body for a more defined and toned look. There are several different types of thigh lifts for patients who recently experienced significant weight loss or have sagging skin due to aging or genetic factors:

  • Inner Thigh Lift: With a discrete incision along your groin, Dr. Grunberg can remove excess skin from the inner thighs
  • Outer Thigh Lift: Dr. Grunberg can improve the appearance of the outer thighs with a slightly longer incision that extends from the inside of your knee to your hip
  • Mini Thigh Lift: With a smaller incision for patients with mild but noticeable skin laxity, Dr. Grunberg can remove excess skin on the inner thighs


BodyTite is a cutting-edge, minimally invasive procedure that helps can reduce pockets of excess fat and tighten your skin. It can create a smoother, more sculpted body without the extensive recovery time associated with traditional liposuction. During the treatment, Dr. Grunberg will use a thin wand to apply radiofrequency to your skin and fat. The wand allows for precise fat reduction and promotes collagen production to improve the firmness of your skin. The radiofrequency energy liquefies the excess fat and Dr. Grunberg removes it with a thin cannula. Since BodyTite is less invasive than traditional liposuction, patients typically experience reduced downtime and minimal scarring.

Breast Lift

A breast lift, also known as mastopexy, is a surgical procedure that elevates and reshapes the breasts to provide a more youthful appearance. If you wish to improve the shape of your breasts, clothing options, and self-esteem, a breast lift is one of the most effective ways to balance your body proportions. Many people experience sagging breasts due to aging, weight fluctuations, pregnancy, or genetics. A breast lift procedure aims to restore breast contour and improve breast symmetry while addressing issues such as nipple repositioning.

Evolve Body Contouring

Evolve is a body contouring treatment that reduces the appearance of loose skin with radiofrequency and heat. With this treatment, we can help you build muscle, eliminate fat, and tighten the skin:

  • Evolve Trim: Dr. Grunberg can reduce excess fat by changing the structure of the fat cells with radiofrequency and heat. Your body metabolizes the fat cells, resulting in a slimmer appearance over the next few weeks.
  • Evolve Tite: If you have mild skin laxity, we can tighten your skin by stimulating collagen production with controlled heat. The treatment improves the elasticity of your skin and reduces sagging, creating a more youthful appearance.
  • Evolve Tone: Evolve Tone helps to define your muscles with targeted electrical pulses that can also improve your strength.

Morpheus8 Body

Ozempic Body Alluring Aesthetics Dr. Wendie Grunberg

Morpheus8 Body is a skin-tightening treatment that corrects mild skin laxity with microneedling technology and radiofrequency energy. It is designed to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and loose skin in larger areas such as the abdomen and thighs. The treatment stimulates collagen production with radiofrequency energy, using the skin’s natural healing processes to create a more youthful appearance. This innovative treatment helps improve your overall skin texture by promoting collagen production within the deeper layers of the skin.

Post-Ozempic Body Contouring Benefits

Patients can enjoy several benefits after Ozempic body contouring treatments, including:

  • Improved self-confidence: Many patients feel better after body contouring and can enjoy their hard work without having to worry about excess skin affecting their proportions.
  • Increased clothing options: You can enjoy wearing fitted clothing and swimwear without feeling as self-conscious.
  • Customizable procedure: We can customize the procedure to help you meet your specific body goals.
  • A more slender figure: After body contouring, you can enjoy a toned body and a slimmer, smoother shape. Eliminating loose or sagging skin can also help patients achieve a more youthful appearance.
  • Long-lasting results: If you exercise regularly and eat healthy meals, you can enjoy results that last several years.
  • Minimal scarring: Dr. Grunberg takes care to place incisions in discrete locations for a more natural look.
  • Balanced body proportions: Removing droopy pockets of skin can balance your proportions.
  • Quick recovery time: Many body contouring procedures have minimal downtime, allowing patients to return to their routines quickly.


Suitable candidates for body contouring are individuals who:

  • Are physically healthy and able to maintain a stable weight
  • Have realistic expectations about what they can achieve with body contouring
  • Would like to eliminate droopy, uncomfortable pockets of skin after significant weight loss
  • Are not planning to become pregnant (tummy tuck)


During your consultation, Dr. Grunberg will examine your areas of excess skin to determine the best treatment for your needs. Please come prepared to discuss your medical history, lifestyle, and current medications.

To learn more about our additional treatments, see our blog.

Cost of Post Weight Loss Body Contouring in San Antonio

The cost of post-weight-loss body contouring will depend on the specific procedures you need. We can provide an all-inclusive quote after your consultation to help you achieve your desired look.

Contact our office or call (210) 714-5390 to learn more about how body contouring after GLP-1 weight loss can help you achieve your dream figure.


What is Ozempic?

Ozempic is a GLP-1 receptor agonist that is primarily used for managing Type 2 diabetes, and it has gained popularity as an effective weight-loss solution.

What is after weight loss body contouring?

After weight loss body contouring includes various surgical procedures aimed at reshaping the body after significant weight loss to remove excess skin and improve body contours. It is commonly sought after a patient has achieved significant weight loss with medications like semaglutide and tirzepatide.

What is the best skin sagging treatment for me?

The ideal treatment depends on the extent of sagging skin, personal goals, and overall health. A consultation with Dr. Grunberg will help clarify the best options for your needs.


  1. Boswell CB. Body contouring following massive weight loss. Missouri medicine. 2010;107(3):189-194. Accessed March 6, 2024. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6188338/#:~:text=Significant%20sagging%20skin%20folds%20remain
  2. Black MM, Bottoms E, Shuster S. Skin Collagen and Thickness in Simple Obesity. BMJ. 1971;4(5780):149-150. doi:https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.4.5780.149
  3. American Society of Plastic Surgeons ® Endorsed Partner. https://www.plasticsurgery.org/documents/news/statistics/2023/plastic-surgery-statistics-report-2023.pdf